Terms and Conditions:
1.The Landlord has the right to inspect the premises without prior notice at any time to enforce the terms of this agreement.
Should the Tenants violate any of the terms of this agreement, the rental period shall be terminated immediately. The Tenants waive all rights to possessions if they fail to vacate the premises upon termination of the rental period. The Tenants shall vacate the premises at the expiration time and date of this agreement
2. The Tenants shall maintain the premises in a good, clean, and ready to rent condition, and use the premises only in a careful and lawful manner. The tenants shall leave the premises in a broom clean condition at the expiration of the rental agreement.
Tenants shall pay for maintenance and repairs should the premises be left in a lesser condition. The tenants agree that the Landlord shall deduct costs of said services from the damage deposit prior to refund if tenants cause damage to the premises or its furnishings or if the premises are left excessively dirty.
3. The Tenants shall dispose of all waste material generated during the rental period in a lawful manner and put the trash in the
cans provided. Tenant shall notify the landlord if trash cans become full.
4. The Tenants shall pay for any damage done to the premises, linens, bedding, or towels over and above normal wear and tear. Makeup will permanently stain towels—please use disposable wipes to remove makeup.
5. No animals or pets of any kind will be brought onto the premises.
6. The Tenants shall not sublet the property.
7. The Tenants shall behave in a civilized manner and shall be good neighbors respecting the rights of the surrounding property Owners. The Tenants shall not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners. Creating a disturbance of the above nature shall be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and Tenants shall then immediately vacate the premises with no refunds of rents or deposits.
8. The Tenants shall have no more than 6 persons reside or sleep on the premises.
9. There shall be no smoking inside the premises. Smoking is permitted outside.
10. My Southern Comfort shall provide towels, linens, cups, knives, forks, spoons, dishes, and other items. Toilet paper, soap, dish detergent, shampoos, and some other consumables are also provided by Landlord. Tennant is responsible for purchasing laundry soap and fabric softener. No reimbursement will be made for unused consumables left at the premises. If consumables exist at the premises when the Tenant arrives the Tenant is free to use them.
11. The Tenants and Tenants’ Guests shall hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Landlord against any and all claims of personal injury or property damage or loss arising from the use of the premises regardless of the nature of the accident, injury or loss.
Tenants expressly recognize that any insurance for property damage or loss which the Landlord may maintain on the property does not cover the personal property of Tenants, and that Tenants should purchase their own insurance for Tenants and Guests if such coverage is desired.
12. All rental amounts paid are non-refundable unless a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans is issued during the dates of Tennant’s rental period.
13. Tenants agree to pay all reasonable costs, attorney’s fees and expenses that shall be made or incurred by Landlord enforcing this agreement.
14. Tenants expressly acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is for transient occupancy of the Property, and that Tenants do not intend to make the property a residence or household.
15. We occasionally experience outages that are beyond our control. We report outages as each occurs.
No refunds or compensation will be given for any outages.
16. There shall be no refunds of rents due to shortened stays or ruined expectations because of weather conditions or any other reason, unless a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans is issued during the dates of Tennant’s rental period.
17. The property is equipped with abundant security cameras throughout the public areas. Should Tenant or Tenant’s guests or invitee be captured on camera harming, stealing, damaging, or destroying any fixtures, furnishings, paintings, etc., Tenant agrees to pay Landlord for all costs related to such damages and any other costs that arise from the Tenant’s actions.
18. There shall be no refunds of rents because of shortened stays or ruined expectations due to work and family emergencies or other commitments.
19.My Southern Comfort offers alternative days to canceled reservations 30 days prior to stay
20. Only legally owned and permitted firearms shall be allowed on the premises according to State and local laws.
22. Tenant shall use the property for legal purposes only and other use, such as but not limited to, illegal drug use, abuse of any person, harboring fugitives, etc. ; shall cause termination of this agreement with no refund of rents or deposits.
23. Tenant agrees not to throw anything out of windows and agrees to accept responsibility for anything thrown from
Windows by the Tenant, Tenant’s Guests, or invitees. Objects thrown from the window could seriously injure or kill pedestrians or motorists on other levels or the ground level. Tenant agrees to pay any and all costs related to any object being thrown by the Tenant, Tenant’s Guests, or invitees from any window
24. Tenant is advised that the property contains a gas stove and cook top, and
will seek help from management if the proper operation of such items is not fully understood.
25. The property has a fire extinguisher installed near the kitchen area. The fire extinguisher was fully charged at last inspection. It is the duty of the tenant to inform management immediately should the fire extinguisher become less than fully charged. Tenant agrees to use the fire extinguisher only for true emergencies.
26. The property has fire alarms installed and they are believed to function properly at the time of rental. Tenant will notify management without delay if a fire alarm “chirps” or has a low battery condition.
27. Tenant is advised that there is no carbon monoxide detector on the property and accepts the risk involved in not having one.
28. Tenant shall see to their own security while in the property by locking doors, etc. when it’s prudent to do so.
29. Valuable items left behind by tenant will be held for the tenant and every reasonable effort will be made to contact the tenant for return. If items are not claimed for longer than 1 month they shall become the property of the Landlord. The Landlord shall not be held liable for the condition of said items.
30. Cable TV is provided and service level has been chosen by the Landlord. No refund of rents shall be given for outages, content, lack of content, or personal preferences with regard to cable TV service.
31. High-speed wireless Internet is provided as a convenience only and is not integral to the agreement. No refund of rents shall be given for outages, content, lack of content, speed, access problems, lack of knowledge of use, or personal preferences with regard to Internet service. Tenant shall not use the offered wireless Internet to download any illegal content. Tenant agrees to not use or connect to any peer-to-peer file-sharing services
32. Tenant agrees that Air conditioning shall not be set below 72 degrees and heat shall not be set above 78, and that the fan setting shall be “Auto”. Doors and windows shall be closed when either heat or air conditioning is in operation.
33. There must be at least one adult of 25 years or older in the Tenant’s party.
34. Tenant agrees herewith that if the collective amount of damage done to the property during his/her stay exceeds $1,000, then Tenant will immediately reimburse Landlord for the full amount necessary to complete repairs.
36. There shall be no use of loudspeakers, bases, amplifiers, or any other sound equipment other than what is provided by Landlord.